“It hurts me that, if global warming still continues, if global warming continues on a large scale, it’s going to affect our future only; we the children and the coming future generation is going to suffer. So I wanted to do something about that, and that’s why I sued my government.”

                                  —Ridhima Pandey

                                   [ Issue 2024.54; Cover art © 2024 Fluffgar ] Futurefire.net Publishing (FFN) is a small, independent publisher of short speculative fiction stories, poetry and art, in anthologies, collections, magazines, and potentially other formats.

                                  The Future Fire (TFF) is our free, online, flagship magazine, which is always open to submissions of beautiful and useful short stories and poetry in Social-political and Progressive Speculative Fiction, Feminist SF, Queer SF, Eco SF, Multicultural SF and Cyberpunk, and an experiment in and celebration of new writing. We publish issues approximately four times a year.

                                  TFF Reviews is our review site specialising in indie and small press books, zines, exhibitions, etc.

                                  pp加速器手机官方版 hosts interviews, promotions, guest posts and other news from TFF and our friends.

                                  Find The Future Fire on Twitter and FB .


                                  Issue 2024.54 (July 2024) featuring stories and poems by M. Bennardo, A.J. Fitzwater, Vanessa Fogg, Shelly Jones, Juliet Kemp, Avra Margariti, Celia Neri, Hester J. Rook, Jordan Taylor; illustrations by Eric Asaris, L.E. Badillo, Joyce Chng, Martin Hanford, Josep Lledó, Cécile Matthey, Miguel Santos, Katharine A. Viola, and cover art by Fluffgar. (Download PDF | Epub | Kindle)


                                   [ Outlaw Bodies anthology; Cover art © 2012 Robin E. Kaplan ]    [ We See a Different Frontier; Cover art © 2013 Carmen Moran ]   pp加速器官网网页    [ TFF-X: Ten years of The Future Fire; Cover art © 2015 Cécile Matthey ]    [ Fae Visions of the Mediterranean; Cover art © 2016 Tostoini ]    [ Making Monsters anthology; Cover art © 2018 Robin E. Kaplan ]

                                  Making Monsters anthology, co-edited by Emma Bridges, on sale in print and e-book.

                                  Fae Visions of the Mediterranean anthology, edited by Valeria Vitale and Djibril al-Ayad, on sale in print and e-book.

                                  TFF-X: Ten years of The Future Fire anthology, edited by Djibril al-Ayad, Cécile Matthey and Valeria Vitale, on sale in print and e-book.

                                  Accessing the Future anthology, co-edited by Kathryn Allan, on sale in print and e-book.

                                  We See a Different Frontier anthology, co-edited by Fabio Fernandes, on sale in print and e-book.

                                  Outlaw Bodies anthology, co-edited by Lori Selke, on sale in print and e-book.

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